Welcome to Potomac Valley Audubon StoryWalk®!
The Potomac Valley Audubon StoryWalk® is bringing storybook nature trails to the Potomac River Valley area! StoryWalk® involves a series of moveable stands pasted with laminated pages of selected storybooks that can be set up anywhere, from a library lawn to a short hiking trail. Children and their families can then enjoy a nature trail while gradually reading a storybook. Because of grant support, the Potomac Valley Audubon Society (PVAS) is offering this service free of charge to local libraries, schools, educational events, nature festivals, and other non-profit organizations in the West Virginia Eastern Panhandle and Washington County, Maryland.
If you are interested in bringing a Potomac Valley Audubon StoryWalk® to your organization or event, please contact us. Check out our book list page for more information. |
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